Atla vodka 41% vol 1500 ml
- The purest booze.
- Atla Vodka is made from high-quality grain spirits and pure water, no additives or manipulated flavors have been added. We are precise in our strength of 41% vol and find that one extra degree can be the only addition to our vodka.
- A wonderful drink that we recommend enjoying at room temperature.
- The best weight-to-volume ratio, does not vibrate, does not break when dropped
- Travel SPECIAL
Product description
- Region: Made in Estonia, handmade
- Alcohol content: 41 % vol
- Volume: Bottle 1500 ml
- What it's made of: Made from high-quality grain spirit and pure water, no additives or manipulated flavors
- Color: Bright
- Aroma: Mild
- Taste: With a long aftertaste
- Food: Meat, fish, roe, oysters, ice cream, strawberries, fruits
- Serving: Recommended to drink at room temperature, also diluted and in cocktails
Goes well with strawberries and fruits on festive occasions - Cocktail recommendation: Atla vodka with pomegranate, blackcurrant or citrus
Packaging and post
We will send the shipment to your parcel machine.
VAT Included